Chronicle is a 2012 American found footage superhero science-fiction thriller film directed by Josh Trank and written by Max Landis based on a story by both. It follows three Seattle high school seniors, bullied Andrew (Dane DeHaan); his cousin Matt (Alex Russell); and more popular Steve (Michael B. Jordan)
The story is about how three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides. The whole movie is shown to us filmed by a character of the movie that is recording everything since they got the powers.
I would personally recommend this film to everyone because it is not the classical super heroes movie, they have powers, yes. But they also have many problems and shows us a realistic way of using super powers.
The Story Pattern
- YOU: 3 friends that have many problems with familly, bullying at school...
- NEED: They get super powers somehow
- GO: Not everything is cool with powers
- SEARCH: Andrew gets mad with his powers
- FIND: Andrew kills Steve
- TAKE: Andrew and Matt confront each other
- RETURN: Matt has to kill Andrew
- CHANGE:Matt goes to a remote part of the world were they wanted to go before having powers and finds peace.
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