martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

2nd TERM :Krissia challenge introduction AND our work

At this second term, we have been challenged by Angulas Aginaga about thinking of ideas that could improve Krissia product, we think it is an interesting challenge even if at first we were a bit confused about it. The challenge was also promoted by Fomento San Sebastian and it consists on thinking ways to make children eat more Krissia in salads or to make them eat krissia in a different way. We will be having some lessons with Fomento so they can help us developing our ideas, finally we will have to present our project to Angulas Aginaga in December.

After we have been thinking about some ideas ,we finally decided our idea that will be presented to the company. In order to present it we will be using some tools that we have been taught like "canvas" and "swot":
This would be the logo we designed:

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Ansel Adams presentation

Here we have the presentation Aiert and I made about a famous photographer such as Ansel Adams.

Aiert and I thought that we could choose Ansel Adams because the type of photography he used appealed a lot to us. We also thought we could have taken some photos like he's ones in the past too.
It was excellent working on this project because we both learnt about photography and we took great photos. At first we told about his biography: it was very interesting and after that we both talked about his and our photos. The photo I will choose to describe now is this one:

This photo was taken in a park near Antiguo, about this photo, we can see a tree branch in the foreground so it brings our attention on it, even if the branch is the main stuff, the background is also focused which means that the photo has a big depth of field, one of Adam's photos characteristiscs.
The branch would also work as a frame that aims 3 different directions. Another characteristics of Adam's photos on this picture would be that is a nature photography, Adams photos were mostly taken in natural reserves or parks because he wanted to make people take notice of how beatiful nature is and he was also environmentalist. Finally as you can see the photo has a black and white filter because Adam's time cameras could not take photos in colour.